10 events found.
Training for Ministers of the Word – Session 2
St Francis of Assisi Church Clonshaugh Drive, Priorswood, IrelandThis practical training session looks at: Preparing the books Microphone technique and voice projection Preparing at home Ministers of the Word are required to attained one of the two dates available.
St Patrick’s Day Masses
St Francis of Assisi Church Clonshaugh Drive, Priorswood, IrelandSaturday 16th of March at 6pm Sunday 17th of March at 9.30am and 11.30am
Palm Sunday Masses 2024
St Francis of Assisi Church Clonshaugh Drive, Priorswood, IrelandSaturday 23rd of March - 6pm Sunday 24th of March - 9.30am and 11.30am
Holy Thursday – Mass of the Lord’s Supper
St Francis of Assisi Church Clonshaugh Drive, Priorswood, IrelandMass at 6pm Holy hour after Mass in the Rosary chapel
Good Friday
St Francis of Assisi Church Clonshaugh Drive, Priorswood, IrelandStations of the Cross - 12Noon in the church Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ with distribution of Holy Communion - 3pm
Holy Saturday & Easter Sunday
Parish Centre Clonshaugh Drive, IrelandHoly Saturday - Easter Vigil Mass - 6pm Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) - 11am to 12pm in the church Easter Sunday - Masses at 9.30am and 11.30am No 10am Mass on Easter Monday.